End Game: A Thought-Provoking Theatre Journey

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Date Reviewed: 08/03/2025

Katie Reddin-Clancy’s Australian premiere of End Game is a bold and original dramedy that seamlessly blends theatre, comedy, and philosophical musings into an engaging experience at Adelaide Fringe in Victoria Park.

With her wit, impeccable accent work, and commanding stage presence, Reddin-Clancy takes audiences on an introspective yet often humorous journey through the afterlife, asking big existential questions: Why are we here? What truly matters in life?

At the heart of End Game is Joanie, an eccentric cabaret performer who arrives in the afterlife for her soul review. The stakes? Determining whether she’s learned the lessons of Earth School or simply gotten lost along the way. But the real mystery revolves around Eva—an unknown woman whose life was profoundly shaped by Joanie’s choices.

Reddin-Clancy, a seasoned global voiceover artist, brings each character to life with remarkable authenticity. While some British cultural references seemed to fly over the heads of the Australian audience, her commitment to character and storytelling kept the crowd engaged.


The script is cleverly written, balancing humour with deeper reflections on the ripple effects of our choices.

That said, End Game did face some external challenges. The venue’s lack of a microphone, combined with intrusive background noise from traffic and sirens, occasionally made it difficult to catch every word. Despite this, Reddin-Clancy’s stage presence remained captivating, and her storytelling prowess ensured that the emotional weight of the narrative was not lost.

Overall, End Game is a compelling and imaginative piece of theatre that invites audiences to reflect on their own life choices while being thoroughly entertained. As the show continues through the season, it may find an even more receptive audience ready to dive into its mix of humour, drama, and existential exploration.

To book tickets to End Game, please visit https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/end-game-af2025

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